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Life cycle of the bed bug

Bed bugs are reddish-brown nocturnal insects that feed on human blood and other warm-blooded animals. They are non-winged insects and have a flattened body, which allows them to hide inside tight spaces such as cracks in floors, carpets, bedding, mattresses and even upholstered furniture.

The life cycle of a bedbug begins with the egg, which is grainy and white in color. The female bedbug can lay between 5 and 12 eggs a day and can deposit up to 500 eggs during her lifetime. Bed bug eggs are deposited singly or in groups and are usually placed inside cracks or crevices within limited space. A single bedbug is about one millimeter long and is about the size of two grains of salt. The eggs hatch within a week and bedbugs, which are newly born, will then start feeding immediately.

Young bed bugs will pass through five molts (stages of growth) before reaching maturity. Nymphs may appear similar to adults, however, they are smaller and have not yet reached sexual maturity. Nymphs are also yellowish-white, while adults are reddish-brown. In order to complete a molting stage (growth), a nymph must have a blood meal. Nymphs can molt and become adults within five weeks at room temperature.

The lifespan of a bedbug is more commonly between four to six months. Some bed bugs can live for years and can even survive for months without feeding.

If you think you have bed bugs, contact us immediately at (438) 728-1947 or email us at Specialists will help you with the best treatment solution.