It is no mystery to anyone that bed bugs are problematic because they multiply so quickly. Also, because of their particular blood supply, they tend to cause more than one havoc, surprise and fear in us. For this reason, it is important to know their origin.
At Xthermix we are committed to controlling pests, starting with heat treatment. That’s why we’ve taken it upon ourselves to tell you the origin of these pesky bugs. To do this, we will address them from prehistoric times to the present, in a brief and concise manner, and then we will talk to you about their growth cycle.
With this, we intend to answer a question that many people have today: Where do bed bugs come from? We assure you that, with this information, you will have more tools to get rid of bed bugs.
Now, without further ado, let’s get started.
The amazing bed bug story
The origin of the bed bugs is uncertain, but thanks to multiple investigations their whereabouts have been found in ancient Egypt. In the 1990s, a group of archaeologists were fortunate enough to find bed bug fossils that were 3,550 years old.
The age of these bugs is incredible. However, despite this, it is estimated that they lived with humans further back in so-called prehistoric times. During this unrecorded period of mankind, scholars believe that bed bugs originally fed on bat blood.
By that time, humans lived in caves. Because they were ideal places for the proliferation of other species, it is thought that bed bugs developed at the same time as bats.
The bugs, however, discovered that other warm-blooded beings also lived there. Thus, human blood became their new source of nourishment. This triggered two different types of bedbugs, which today live mainly in Europe:
- Those that feed on human blood
- Those that feed on animal blood.
Disappearance of bed bugs in the 20th century
For a long time, bed bugs multiplied as never before and adapted to different phases in human development. The prehistoric human managed to elaborate tools, cultivate and then achieve a cognitive development, which allowed him to survive in the world. The bedbugs, little by little, got used to this new panorama.
It was not until the middle of the 20th century that this changed, but not definitively. During this historical period, powerful insecticides began to be used in developed countries, and furniture with insect repellent properties was also made. However, these alternatives did not last long.
First, insecticides were banned in some areas because of their strong environmental impact; and second, because the bugs adapted to the new ecosystems. Little by little, the achievement of the 20th century fell apart.
The reappearance of bed bugs in the 21st century
At the beginning of the 21st century there was a reappearance of bedbugs. There are many factors that determine this growth, among which are
- Due to the measures taken against bed bugs, a large group of insecticide-resistant organisms have emerged.
- The increase in internal and external migration has also led to the proliferation of bed bugs.
- The globalization of shopping, thanks to the Internet and the boom in second-hand products.
These factors also illustrate that bed bugs have always been with us. Their particular feeding represents, for us, a problem that we must eliminate. Knowing where bed bugs come from allows us to know new alternatives to solve the plague, without harming the environment in the process.
Growth cycle of bed bugs
Now that we know the history of bed bugs, it is important to know where they come from, biologically speaking. As we know, bed bugs have three main life stages: eggs, nymphs and adults.
Bed bug eggs
The first stage is the eggs, which have a special coating that allows them to adhere to the objects in the house, so that they are safe. Their incubation period varies from 6 to 17 or 18 days.
Nymph bugs (or teenagers)
Once the incubation period is over, the bugs come out of the eggs and immediately start feeding. This need for food speeds up, in one way or another, their ability to grow and reproduce.
Adult Bed Bugs
Once this stage is over, adult bed bugs are ready to reproduce, and for that they need human blood. These bugs can live for more than 12 months, depending on their location in the house or environmental factors. In addition, it is important to remember that they become inactive when they do not find prey from which to suck blood.
How do I solve the bed bug problem?
It is very important to know the origin of these peculiar insects. Knowing where bed bugs come from will give you new tools to counteract their proliferation in your home. Nowadays, the most effective method for their eradication is heat treatment.
With years of experience, as Xthermix we have made a commitment to the people of Montreal. Today, bed bugs are an easy problem to treat, with the right tools.
However, at Xthermix we are not an extermination company. Our goal is to offer electric heaters, for rent, and at the best prices. If you’re looking to eradicate bed bugs, at Xthermix we rent out heaters, to solve your life.
Now that you know where bed bugs come from, write us an email or call our hotline: when it comes to bedbug elimination, we are the solution you have been waiting for.